10 weeks, MFA, 2018
Product and experience design
In collaboration with Atlas Copco (& Airbus)
1 million people are flying each day, even though it’s not a sustainable choice of travelling. The aircraft industry is increasing with approx. 5% every year and Airbus alone produces approx. 60 aircrafts each month. An Airbus aircraft is used for only 25-30 years, as they can’t ensure a high level of safety after that time. How can I affect the aircraft industry in a more sustainable way?
This project was about designing aircraft assembly tools for Atlas Copco that would be used at Airbus. I chose to work with a direction I believed would make the greatest eco-friendly impact on the environment and still would fit in Atlas Copcos portfolio.
My solution was Atlas Copco Impero, a 3D scanner with inbuilt AR projection and ultrasonic for a more efficient quality check. Impero saves all information about each fastener to a smart cloud when scanning, to be able to see changes of the fasteners over time.
The ultrasonic function enables tension check of fasteners, which is something that is missing in the aircraft industry today. By knowing the exact tension of each fastener, the aircraft wouldn’t need as many fasteners as today, which implies less work time, cost etc. To know the tension also implies a deeper control of the fasteners, which leads to faster maintenances and longer lives for the aircrafts.
How to design a more efficient and detailed quality check that can control the fasteners during the aircraft life-time?
My solution
My solution is Atlas Copco Impero, a 3D scanner tool with inbuilt AR projection and ultrasonic for a more efficient quality check
Continue further down to view my Research, Final concept, Design thinking and Learning outcome
more than 1 million fasteners
are keeping a normal sized aircraft together and they all need to be fixed and checked
The quality check
The quality check (a control check of all fasteners) is one of the last steps when building an aircraft. There are one million fasteners at a normal sized aircraft and only 5 % of them are fastened by machine - the rest by hand. The quality check is done by hand by the Quality Technicians using a collection of different measurement templates called rivet gauges. Checking all fasteners would take too much time, therefore only a random amount of fasteners are checked. To achieve a high safety level and minimize the risk of bad fasteners, the air industry use many more fasteners than what would have been needed if all could be controlled.
“A fastener is installed in one second and has to perform 40 years”
// Thorsten Roye, Airbus Hamburg
A perfect placed fastener should look like on the picture to the right. Achieving this perfect result when placing a fastener is very important as the fasteners are clamping the fuselage together. Only a small millimeter misstake can have huge consequences. For example if a fastener not is perfectly flush it will create turbulence around it which leads to higher fuel consumption and a bad influence on the environment. To achieve good quality on a fastener it need to have the right flushness, protrusion, seating, tension and torque, which are controlled during the quality check. During the Quality check the incorrect fasteners need to be changed.
Incorrect fasteners
Used tools
The Operator checks the torque value with the nutrunner or wrench while tightening the fastener. After that, the Quality Technican checks the flushness, protrusion and seating of the fasteners using gauges. Not all fasteners are checked (as there are a million of them), the Quality Technican only checks a random amount of fasteners.
When the aircrafts at Airbus have passed their ”expiry date” they are either sold cheap to poor countries or dumped. The dumped aircrafts are stored in a ”desert aircraft boneyard”.
To use the aircrafts in a second market can lead to catastrophes as those aircrafts are in bad conditions with a low safety level, because of a too expensive quality check which they can’t afford. In general, all the maintenances where quality checks are done are very expensive and time consuming. This is the limiting factor for the life-time of airplanes.
Identified problems:
Inefficient quality check
Expensive & time consuming aircraft maintenances
Many errors which takes time & cost money
All fasteners can’t be checked (it takes too long time)
More fasteners (than actually needed) have to be used to ensure safety as only a random amount of them are checked
The location and information about the fasteners can’t be stored
Too short lives for airplanes
The tension can’t be checked with the tools used today
My vision
my Focus
My primary focus and goal in this project was to find a solution of how the quality check can be done in a more efficient way, (compared to today) during and after the assembly process. I put on the sustainable glasses to be able to see the concept solution through that point of view. My wish was to find a solution of how to measure the tension of the fastener as it would entail a high quality level at the quality check and solve many problems .
”The maintenance cost of aircraft are extremely high, therefore if we are able to know the tension of each fastener, we can calculate the lifespan and maintenance time of the aircraft and it will save a lot of time and money”
// Thibaut Papaix, Atlas Copco Stockholm
Final concept
My solution is Atlas Copco Impero, a 3D scanner tool with inbuilt AR projection and ultrasonic for a more efficient quality check
Impero consists of three parts;
A tool which does the quality check of the fasteners by scanning.
A smart cloud which automatically saves all information about the fasteners.
A system where this information can be overviewed.
My primary focus area was to design the tool and the total experience of the concept - where all parts play important roles.
Responsible designed
The main shell of Impero is made of recycled plastic and the scanning front and display have a cover in glass with a protecting rubber edge around. The size and weight is reduced as much as possible without compromising too much on the main functions of the product. It’s designed for easy disassembly to make maintenance easier. The components are accessible by unscrewing the 4 screws on the product, making it possible to recycle or change bad components. But as recycling also takes a lot of energy I was aiming to give the product a timeless design to increase the life of it and a possibility to be re-used. When the product not is used by Airbus anymore it could be re-used for the same or another scanning purpose by upgrading it for another task. At its end of life it should be disassembled for recycling and re-use of components.
The main functions of impero
3D scanning for efficiency
While performing 3D scanning of the fasteners an AR interface is projected directly onto the surface. It gives direct feedback about the fasteners to the user. A red circle illustrates an error and a green circle a perfect fastener.
saving data to smart cloud for comparison
When the tool is in use it automatically saves information about each fastener’s quality check and location (with geolocation) to the smart cloud. All data is compared with the 3D model of the aircraft, in order to tell the user if a fastener is correct or not.
Every time the user releases the trigger, the display on the tool shows that the scanned information is saved.
ultra sonic enables tension check
The ultrasonic function implies a deeper control of the fasteners and possibility to see and compare changes over time. This is missing in the aircraft industry today.
When using the Ultrasonic function the user feedback is shown at the display of the tool. The user needs to hold the tool towards the fastener until the measurement is done and the circle is filled to 100%.
The deep control of fasteners enables perfect placed fasteners, a high safety level & therefore less fasteners & less CO2 emissions.
I predict that Impero as a whole concept enables longer lives for the aircrafts.
The possibility to check the tension, track and store information about the fasteners makes it possible to see changes over time as an old scanning can be compared with a new. Fasteners that get bad can be changed, instead of “dumping” the aircraft, which minimizes the risk of catastrophes and the increased quality assurance level can be used to increase the lifetime of an aircraft.
Field trip
Field trip video
Design process
We started out by researching in groups on different areas, which we presented for the class
Early concept ideas
Quality check scanner
During the quality check
Checks many bolts at the same time
Compares the scanned info with 3D drawing
Checks seating, protrusion & flushness
Marks out errors
Ultra checker
During the tightening or quality check
Checks the fasteners with ultra sound
Checks seating, protrusion, flushness & tension
High quality level
Marks out errors
This concept could be a handheld tool or an add-on to an existing tool like the wrench
Smart bolt
During tightening
Inbuilt strain gauges on bolts make them smart
The smart bolts are checked with a new wrench while tightening
The wrench checks seating, protrusion, flushness, torque & tension
Very high quality level
No additional quality check needed
I chose to continue with a combination of the Quality check scanner and the Ultra checker. The concept is using the Ultra sonic technique for doing the quality check and measuring the tension of the bolts, but also has the scanning function to check many bolts at the same time.
Model building
Final model
Presentation for atlas copco
feedback from Atlas Copco
“I really like your idea and the marking function is great”
//Thorsten Roye, Airbus Hamburg
“Excellent work! It’s a very interesting concept”
//Ola Stray, Industrial Design Manager, Atlas Copco
Learning outcome
Above all, I learned how to turn a project from something that feels really bad doing (environment perspective) to something valuable in this industry (which I don’t want to support)
Research techniques and a lot of fact about the aircraft industry
Good “acting out” techniques during the ideation process
Improved skills in Rhino
To take decisions and then go for it (and not go back again because of uncertainty)
Milling and build a full scale, final model